Sunday 25 May 2014

Under Pressure Magnitude 10

We've all been though this and many of us are going through this which is why I'm writing to give you a few kind words and motivation.

It is once again exam season where we need to focus time and energy to yield results and as we all know, easier said than done. As we cram knowledge from books and papers into our heads, it is very easy to feel demotivated once you come to a difficult point, or just by facing the abundance of material needed to cover in the next few days.

Of course its easy to say "don't give up", "keep at it" and "+oil" but that doesnt always make you feel better or for me, even motivate me to continue.

Some words of advice from me would be to firstly think about who you are doing this for in the end. Are you doing it for family? Loved ones? Friends? In the end, the one benefiting from this is going to be you. Even if you aren't doing this for yourself, you will be the one learning and growing from this. If you are really studying for others, then think about the looks on their faces and their reactions when you do well. Realistically you should be studying for yourself but imagining the smiles and cheers from my family and peer when I go receive that first does give me a slight boost.

Secondly, stay positive. Never think "f this, didn't want to know it anyway" or "this is too hard, allow it". Instead try it, if its hard, ask for help and of course practice practice practice. After a few goes, it will definitely get easier. If you think you can't do it, you will never try your best to do it and you wont be able to yield the best results. If its definitely too hard, I would suggest practising, doing what you can and then focusing on something else. Just do your best at whatever comes, if you know you've done your best and still cant crack it, well at least you'll have no regrets.

Thirdly, time management. Really do dedicate time for work. I normally work for about 40 min and then take 20 min of break. Keeps me refreshed. Know your exam timetable and prioritize. Don't overwork yourself but don't slack either. Take regular breaks. You can probably figure out your own split and what works for you but when you do work, dont get distracted. That what you have regular breaks for.

Finally, you aren't in this alone. Everyone has exams, stress, problems. Talk to others if you need help. You'll get through this, its just another hurdle in life you must overcome. Just remember that in a few days it will all be the past and you have a whole summer to do f all. If you give it all now, you'll have no regrets after the exams and your summer will feel much more deserved. If you think about it, its a very small amount of time you use studying compared to doing nothing all summer so you might as well just push through now.

Well, good luck to all!

Heed my words and I guarantee that you'll all walk away with firsts and triple digit scores.

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