Monday 7 April 2014

6-Way Tie. The Dream

The EU LCS was so close in its standings that there was a possibility of a 6-way tie for 1st place. This would have resulted in many more matches just to settle the ties. Somehow, it all worked out and SK Gaming took first, surprising many people. I was expecting them to take mid table with Roccat but they showed they could pull through.

Another big suprise was Fnatic managing to take second place even with their 8 loss streak. Rekkles played superbly throughout this season. Actually an AD Carry in this tank meta.

On the other hand, I expected Gambit to go no lower than 3rd. They were maintaining a very good spree until their final 2 weeks where it went down hill.. Unlucky.

Alliance is another team I was excited about. They had a poor start but it was expected as they were a newly formed team. I expect to see them stand strong throughout the summer split.

NA is of course not over yet but the EU playoffs is looking exciting.

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