Wednesday 9 April 2014

Captain Earth - Initial Thoughts

New season, New anime, this season we have a few anime series which look promising. One of the first series which caught my eye to watch was Captain Earth. Despite the unusual name (after watching the first episode it somehow makes a little sense),  the first episode really makes me want to continue with the series. It not only introduces the main characters and overall plot, but rises a few important and interesting questions.

The logo is quite cool I thought


So far in this episode we are introduced to the main character the most and some supporting characters who will come in in the later episodes. 

Daichi Manatsu, a second-year high school student who sees a weird round rainbow floating in the sky above Seed Island one day and decides to investigate by himself. He has seen this rainbow before (with Teppei Arashi), and, with the memories of his father's mysterious death and an encounter of a mysterious boy and girl, he arrives on the island while the alarm of a building labeled "Earth Engine" is going off.

Someone asks him "Are you a captain?" just as robotic intruders from Uranus called "Kiltgang" arrive. The battle around the shining stars is about to begin.

Teppei Arashi, a 17-year-old boy who harbors powers beyond those of humans, as well as a sense of alienation. He is the mysterious boy Daichi met along with Hana when they were all younger.
Hana Muto, nothing is known about her so far apart from she first appeared in a glass ball full of liquid dormant until Daichi 'awoke' her.

We are also introduced to the amazing main mecha in this series, Livlaster. At first I thought the design looked off but after the first transformation and the epic docking sequence, I immediately fell in love with it. A mixture of Heroman and Transformers. 


The animation for this series looks promising, the colouring and details (especially the scenery shots) look amazing. Need to watch a few more episodes to have a final judge.


Music wise, the opening theme is by Believers High by Flumpool. Surprisingly it's the band's first time on doing a theme song for an anime series considering they are quite popular in Japan. The music fits this episode as the ending song so well. I have yet to see how well it works as an opening theme when the second episode comes out. The OST is good too, fits the scenes well, nothing too special, but I would say better than a typical anime OST.


Overall a fantastic first episode and introduction to the series, I look forward very much to continuing with this series. Looking very promising. 

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